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A place for those dedicated to and interested in, solving the Food Insecurity Needs of Bruce Grey.  Food Insecurity is a symptom of poverty and the lack of affordable (geared to income) and safe housing.

Home: Welcome

FUN FOOD FACT(S) - Beet Cheesecake

Beet Cheesecake? Are you serious ... more than serious it is awesome. Using beets for cheesecake is fun and very tasty.

BACKGROUNDER: Surviving Today

Young people represent 20% of the people suffering from homelessness in Canada. We are getting snow today, could you sleep outside?

BACKGROUNDER: The Opioid Crisis

At the time of this posting, more people in our region have died from overdoses than Covid-19. We need to educate people on this issue.

FUN FOOD FACT(S) - Revisiting Lentils

One of the oldest cultivated foods in human history, is also ironically one of the least well known from a food preparation view.

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How to contact us

Thanks for your interest in "FOODTHOUGHTS.CA". For more information, feel free to email your questions or suggestions to us and we will get back to you soon!

380 9th Street East, Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada


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